Redefining Glow-Up: Midlife Journey to Peace
Imagine a world where self-transformation isn’t just a product but a lived, deeply felt experience. Today, I’m sharing my decade-long journey through accidental and...
The Girl Unf*cked Podcast: Episode 2
My podcast kicked off this art therapy project in 2023 with a declaration: "Hi, I'm Jaye, and I am here to unf*ck myself." Then... I disappeared. What can I say? Life...
Breaking Free: Manifesto of a Codependent No More
I am not here to "fix" you... anymore. I'm not here to deeply search your expression for clues to the mystery of what I need to be today to fulfill your needs or soothe your...
Announcing the Girl Unf*cked Podcast!
Once upon a time, I couldn't wait to turn fifty. I thought I would have my sh*t together by now, but I don't. And I don't know that I ever will. It may sound like a grim...
Hi, I’m 50 and Everything is F*cked.
Once upon a time, I couldn't wait to turn fifty. In the early to mid-nineties, most of my role models were in their fifties. These forces of nature and nurture ranged from...